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About Us

At Raffles For Less, we have a simple mission: to make it EASY for you to order custom raffle tickets for your event or fundraiser. Yes, when you work with us you’ll find the things you should be able to expect everywhere – fair prices, great service, and a quality product. But if, after delivering all those things, we make you say, “Wow! That was easy!” then we know we’ve done our job and done it well. You have a hundred important things that demand your attention. So let us worry about the raffle tickets, and you can worry about everything else.

When you work with us, you can be confident that you’re in good hands. We print millions of raffle tickets every year, and when you print with us, we’ll give your job the attention it deserves.

When you buy something online, it’s easy to feel like you’re dealing with a nameless, faceless company off somewhere in cyberspace.  With us, however, nothing could be farther from the truth.  When you order your tickets from Raffles for Less you’re dealing with a local, hard-working, American business, you’re supporting our team of fabulous people, and you’re helping us provide a great place to work here in Northeast Pennsylvania.

We’re a real team of everyday people.  We’re fathers, mothers, friends, brothers, sisters, and more.  And we’re thankful for your choice to do business with us!

designer smiling

Of course we’re designers and printers – you already knew that. What you might not know is that we’ve been doing this for years.  We’ve built a shop full of equipment – some of it fairly standard, and other pieces that are highly specialized to help us churn out the tickets as fast as we do. We’ve surrounded that equipment with systems, processes, habits, and training that help things here run like a well-oiled machine!

You also may not know that we can help you print more than just tickets.  Our “sister” shop is a full-service print shop. We can print everything from brochures to business cards, from banners to t-shirts, and more.  We can design and print just about anything your business, organization, or event needs.  If you have printing needs that extend beyond just raffle tickets, take a minute and reach out to us.  We’re here to help and you’ll be surprised at just how much we can deliver!